Meet Our Chapters

The Beta Epsilon chapter of Phi Kappa Tau is the oldest national Greek organization founded on the campus of The University of Southern Mississippi, chartered in 1948. Since its inception, the men of the Beta Epsilon chapter of Phi Tau have prided themselves on being men of character, while striving for excellence in the classroom and on campus. Our national philanthropy is the Serious Fun Children’s Network.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon was founded on March 9, 1856 and has since chartered 317 chapters found in all 50 states. Our Mississippi Sigma chapter located at The University of Southern Mississippi, was chartered on December 11, 1965. Sigma Alpha Epsilon strives for the transition of college men to “The True Gentleman.” Philanthropy benefits within the Mississippi Sigma chapter are designated to the Abbie Rogers Civitan Camp. The Abbie Rogers Civitan Camp is a sleep away camp intended to give children and adults with disabilities the authentic camp experience. Our intramural participation continuously remains as a top-tier competition across several sports, having received numerous awards for many different performances.

The Kappa Sigma Fraternity at The University of Southern Mississippi was founded on December 11, 1948. The Epsilon Nu chapter is active across all facets of university life, excelling in intramurals and participating and donating to philanthropies and activities within the Hattiesburg community. Since our founding in the 1940s, the organization continues to be at the forefront of Fraternity and Sorority Life at USM. The Epsilon Nu chapter is branded the “House of Champions” by our National Headquarters on the premise that we boast the highest average GPA of all Kappa Sigmas within the state of Mississippi.

Six young gentlemen forged a brotherhood on March 1, 1868, in 47 West Range, University of Virginia. From then on, the Pi Kappa Alpha international fraternity experience has expanded and thrived for 150 years, and we have made an impact on this campus as a new colony in October 2017, chartered as the Delta Mu chapter on March 29, 2019. To better serve our community and alma mater, we support local charities for our philanthropies, encourage sportsmanship in all fields of intramurals, and befriend all organizations, regardless of affiliation. To better serve our faith, family, and fraternity, we strive for a sound mind, a clean body, and a restorative faith. We hold ourselves accountable to make good grades, take initiative, stay competitive, and respect everyone equally and fairly. In order to form a firm and lasting friendship, we are our brother's keeper.
Sigma Phi Epsilon was founded at Richmond College in Richmond, Virginia, on November 1, 1901. The Mississippi Gamma chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon was chartered on May 16, 1953, at The University of Southern Mississippi. Since then, we have been developing men into leaders in their family, campus and community. In 2015, our chapter was awarded a Buchanan Cup, an award recognizing the top chapters of Sig Ep nationwide. Our brothers are involved in many student organizations, including IFC executive board, Student Government Association, Southern Style and many more. Every year our brothers host a chili cook-off to benefit the on-campus food pantry, Eagle’s Nest. Our chapter has won the overall intramural championship each of the last five years and has remained within the top two in grades for fraternities over that period of time.

Delta Tau Delta was founded in 1858 at Bethany College, which is in present-day West Virginia. The Zeta Chi chapter of Southern Miss was colonized on April 13, 1986, and has lived by the knowledge that integrity is essential. The founding principles of truth, courage, faith and power have provided a guide for both the fraternity and its members. The chapter has been recognized ten times in its history with the Hugh Shields Award and 21 times as a Court of Honor chapter. These awards recognize the ten and 20 best chapters in the nation. Zeta Chi prides itself on its community and philanthropic endeavors with its partners, the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation of Mississippi. Since starting Zeta Chi's work with cystic fibrosis, it has raised over $500,000.

Pi Kappa Phi was founded on December 10, 1904 at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. The Theta Alpha chapter of Pi Kappa Phi was chartered on April 24, 1999. Being only 20 years old, Pi Kapp at Southern Miss has shown leadership winning three Founders Awards (recognizing the top 5% of Pi Kapp chapters nationally) and countless other awards for campus involvement, recruitment excellence, money raised for The Ability Experience, and much more. Pi Kapp is the only national fraternity to own and operate its own philanthropy, The Ability Experience (ABEX). ABEX supports people with different abilities through fundraising, friendship visits, and making the world more accessible for people with special needs. Every summer, ABEX puts on several events including Journey of Hope and Gear Up Florida, which are cross-country and cross-state bike rides to raise money and awareness for people with special needs.
Sigma Nu was founded at Virginia Military Institute in 1869. Sigma Nu was created in opposition of hazing and put an emphasis on moral and value-based leadership. The belief that men should be treated as equal men and the idea that development can take place outside of the classroom carry on today through Theta Gamma chapter. Founded at Southern Miss in 1969, Theta Gamma was chartered 100 years after Sigma Nu’s birth. Sigma Nu's mission is to develop ethical leaders inspired by the principles of love, honor and truth, to foster the personal growth of each man’s mind, heart and character, and to perpetuate lifelong friendships and commitment to the fraternity.Theta Gamma chapter has been breaking the mold of what a fraternity is expected to be, showing excellence in areas such as (but not limited to) recruitment and manpower, academics, and philanthropy.

Alpha Tau Omega was nationally founded at Virginia Military Institute on September 11, 1865. Epsilon Upsilon was founded on November 19, 1949, after absorbing the locally founded Sigma Zeta fraternity, which was founded in 1937. Epsilon Upsilon consistently ranks highly in the nation for its philanthropic efforts. In 2018, we raised just under $11,000, which placed us in the top 40 for ATO’s nationally, and a grand total of $601 per man, which places us at the third spot nationally among all other ATO chapters. Our annual philanthropy event, ATO Crawfish Boil, is in its 35th year in 2020 and is the longest-running fraternity philanthropy event on campus.
Sigma Chi
Sigma Chi was nationally founded at Miami (OH) University on June 28, 1855. In just their first semester of reestablishing as an associated chapter of Sigma Chi at Southern Miss, Sigma Chi Sigma achieved the highest IFC GPA for the Spring 2023 semester with an average chapter GPA of a 3.57! The Sigma Chi chapter was installed at Southern Miss on March 16, 2024 and now serves as an official chapter of the Sigma Chi fraternity.