Pi Kappa AlphaÂ
House Tour

Special Bonds
Six young gentlemen forged a brotherhood on March 1, 1868, in 47 West Range, University of Virginia. From then on, the Pi Kappa Alpha international fraternity experience has expanded and thrived for 150 years, and we have made an impact on this campus as a new colony in October 2017, chartered as the Delta Mu chapter on March 29, 2019. To better serve our community and alma mater, we support local charities for our philanthropies, encourage sportsmanship in all fields of intramurals, and befriend all organizations, regardless of affiliation. To better serve our faith, family, and fraternity, we strive for a sound mind, a clean body, and a restorative faith. We hold ourselves accountable to make good grades, take initiative, stay competitive, and respect everyone equally and fairly. In order to form a firm and lasting friendship, we are our brother's keeper.